me, myself and me again! :D

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

i miss you, granma.

its been ages since i last updated this blog. i've abandoned it. i just don't have the time to update it. plus imma lazyhead. so yeah. :D to start off, school had started two weeks ago and life has been so hectic. with all the chores and homeworks that i have to do and the qualifyings are around the corner, 10 days to be exact ;S and i am soooooooo not readyyyyy. -_-' i know i know, i should start doing my revision. but i don't know whats wrong with me. the lazyness took over me, i guess. pfft the heck. the mood swings that i am having made me very-very down and i hate it everytime it happens because i tend to be furious and not being myself. its just so many things are happening and revolve around me. but nevertheless, im thankful to God that i am still living in this beautiful world that God had created because i've got so many things to explore.

and now, i miss granmaaaaaa alot :( i miss talking to her, i miss to eat the food that she used to cook, i miss everything! nenek, i wish you're here to see all your grandchildren be successful and live happily with their own family. i love you, so much! :'(