me, myself and me again! :D

Sunday, April 19, 2009

oh God! its hot. i mean, REALLY HOT!! global warming jua bnr. please people. stop making the ozone layer thinner. i cant bare the hotness anymore. *apaan haha. so, last night i went to kaka's house cos they were celebrating trish's birthday. went there with ka filah, mul and him :D:D it was fun tho i was very tired and trish wasnt in a good mood. ia inda mau layan aku :( the cupcakes were cute with elmo as its design. the cake nyaman~ the icecream, nyaman beb. its worthed jua laa cos kaka batah pilih cake aa. hahaha. ok, im out of words sudaa cos of the hotness that i am facing right now. haha. so, au revoir :D

Friday, April 17, 2009

bla bla bla :D

hello people :D well, tonight is very very dull and its making my life even boring. haha. but tadi my niece datang and spent her time here with her mama. i miss her already :( si trish i mean, not her mama :p

anyhoo~ yesterday afternoon, there was a parents-teachers meeting for form five and three. luckily, my dad ambil and signed my report sheet saja. he was like bengang and ia tanya, 'kenapa maths mu 70 saja nie *while pointing at the sheet*?' and i answered, 'sudah ku gtau aku inda pandai maths. *buat muka half takut.*' then, my daddy diam. thank god ia inda lecture me. hahaha. well yeah, its true. i suck at math but i hope i'll get atleast a C or a B for my maths time June nie. AMIN~ overall, thursday was great for both me and amal. iajaa dalenk? if inda, diam shaa. haha.

ok ok, i need to go watch my favourite korean drama. haha. night everyone :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

the ideas came right before i sleep :p

hello earthlings :D its 10.24pm and im still wide awake. tadi, i thought about what i should do before i sleep. then, blogging popped out. so, here i am writing this crap bla bla bla. haha :p

btw during the chemistry practical, something unexpected happened. i was doing the titration when suddenly the tip of the burette terlepas and all the solution spilled. not forget to mention. the solution is not colourless, its PURPLE! yeah, PURPLE!! thank god inda terkena my uniform. just my hand and arah tudong sikit. we can easily washed it away with the other solution, i forgot the name. haha. im just exagerating the story abit :p

so, i had my oral tadi and the reading was OK but when it came to the conversation time, i stucked and i said something stupid! hahaha. i was very very nervous eh. my hand was shaking like crazy. but in the end, i managed to finish my oral. it was a big relieve. so, tinggal the written exam lagi which is one month away. i havent revise anything yet :S

i think i should end this. if inda, i'll be writing more crap. you'll die of boredom if you keep reading. haha.

ok, toodles. night night everyone (:


Thursday, April 2, 2009


im selling a brown flats which never been used.
the price - $18.
if you're interested, text me up at this number -> 8866639.
thank you :)

hey earthlings :D

guess what?? i am not satisfied with my test results.

the marks for the other three other subjects :

maths - 70
biology - 62
physics - 74

but atleast i passed all the subjects. syukur alhamdulillah :)

and tadi i cut my hair and i LOVE it!! :D:D

this is my new hair......

ayte, till here (:

fatinah LOVELOVES.